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  • Stormwater Begins with the Landscape

Stormwater Begins with the Landscape

  • 21 Apr 2011
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • One Parkway Building, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor Conference Room, Philadelphia, PA


(depends on selected options)

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Stormwater Begins with the Landscape

 Nancy Minich, HTR, RLA, ASLA, Principal

NAM Planning & Design, LLC

Nancy A. Minich, is a registered landscape architect and horticultural therapist, and the principal of NAM Planning & Design, LLC, which was formed in 2002. The firm’s work preeminently focuses on utilization of sustainable principles in resource inventory, analysis, design and management.  NAM has developed numerous scales of park master plans, trail plans, watershed and restoration plans for which they have received awards from an array of regional environmental and planning entities and have been featured in professional publications and journals. Nancy  authored a chapter in a recently published book on wetland design. She is an adjunct professor at Delaware Valley College and Philadelphia University and is a requested speaker at regional conferences.

Stormwater problems usually begin when the landscape is disturbed, offsetting the  hydrological cycle in a watershed.  Traditional engineered solutions have not always mitigated the problems and often leave a fragmented, low diversity and unattractive landscape.  Restoring the balance is expensive and challenging.  The session will feature ways to make successful stormwater projects that are an artful and functional improvement using basic stormwater BMPs.  The session will examine ways to link the project to the larger watershed goals, develop a manageable project, and engage community support, the importance of incorporating education into the project, and proper, ongoing management of the project after completion. This will be illustrated through a powerpoint presentation of effective and aesthetic watershed projects and details designed by NAM and other design firms.

A Note To All Licensed Professional Engineer's:  This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH).  A Certificate of Attendance will be available on site for AWRA-PMAS members only.  The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a 2011 Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3.00 for meeting + $7.00 for certificate).



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