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  • The Delaware River: Balancing Water Resource Goals through Flow Management

The Delaware River: Balancing Water Resource Goals through Flow Management

  • 01 Mar 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • ONLINE: Zoom link to be provided in registration reminder email


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The Delaware River: Balancing Water Resource Goals through Flow Management

Presented by

Amy Shallcross: Delaware River Basin Commission


The Delaware River is an invaluable resource for the region with a rich history of regarding the management of its resources for to meet multiple goals and competing needs.  From the early twentieth century to the present, the four basin states and the federal government have worked cooperatively to develop, plan, conserve, and manage the water resources of the basin without regard to established political boundaries.  On average, more than 6.3 billion gallons of water per day are withdrawn, treated, and used for drinking water, industry, manufacturing, and thermoelectric power generation.  The river is managed to not only support water use, but also to protect aquatic life, improve water quality, provide flood mitigation, and ensure recreation opportunities for the enjoyment of all. Flow and drought management programs have been developed over time to adapt to the ever-changing priorities and goals for the water resources of the basin. The evolution of flow management over the past 100 years, current resources goals and objectives, the process of managing flow, and planning for sea level rise and climate change will be discussed. 


Amy Shallcross is the Manager of Water Resource Operations at the Delaware River Basin Commission. She has 34 years of experience as a hydraulic, hydrologic and water quality modeler for the assessment and support of reservoir operations, water supply planning, storm water management, combined sewer overflow controls and waste load allocation studies.

At the Commission, she manages water resource systems analyses related to climate change, sea level rise, drought, and flow management, directing modelling and planning studies to assess the sustainability of water resource goals and resiliency of the basin to different stressors. Ms. Shallcross engages stakeholders in water resource planning activities and works extensively with government agencies to set management goals.

Ms. Shallcross chairs the Water Data and Science Committee and is the past chair of the Interstate Council on Water Policy, an organization formed to influence national water policy for the state and interstate water resource managers. She also serves to represent the water resource managers’ perspective regarding the use of climate science for a Department of Energy research consortium and forecast products for the the Mid-Atlantic River Forecast Center Customer Advisory Board. Previously, she worked for the New Jersey Water Supply Authority as a water resource engineer and watershed management planner. 

Ms. Shallcross is a licensed professional engineer in the State of New Jersey with a Bachelor's and Masters of Science in Civil and Water Resources Engineering from Tufts University.


This seminar does qualify for 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). A Certificate of Attendance will be available for AWRA-PMAS members only. The meeting price for non-members who wish to receive a Certificate of Attendance for the PDH is $10.00 ($3.00 for meeting + $7.00 for certificate).  

Please note: 

  • Presentation Zoom link will be provided in registration reminder email.
  • Zoom link should only be used by those who register for the event through AWRA directly. 
  • PDHs will be issued through PDFs.
  • Please allow extra time to register through Zoom and get software set up.
  • Presentation will start at noon.
  • Early participants will be in a Waiting Room until noon. 
  • Participants must email to request PDH Certificate after the event.

Thank you!

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